What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are usually made from porcelain, and they are shells that are bonded to the front of your teeth with a resin material. Porcelain is the substance of choice for dental veneers because it matches the natural color of teeth and is stain resistant. Each veneer is custom tailored to match the shape of your tooth, and they can be used to improve one tooth or your entire smile.

veneersIf you are looking for a cosmetic treatment that elevates your smile, dental veneers can be used to correct dental imperfections such as:

This cosmetic treatment is perfect if you are preparing for a special occasion or if you have decided that it is time to improve your smile for a whole new look. Our Dentist and team of dental professionals are happy to discuss our different cosmetic options with you to help you find the one that meets your needs.